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Daily card pull - Remember who you are!

Today I have my traditional therapy appointment. I’m sure my counselor will ask how yesterday’s grief therapy went and I’ll be happy to share that it went well and I’m looking forward to finally start processing the grief I’ve carried since my mom passed on Summer Solstice.

I’ve been wanting my standing therapy to get back to normal so I can continue the shadow work, healing old traumas and building my new future. Today as I sat on the floor in front of my alter, shuffeling the cards I asked my family to show me what I needed to know most today and got athe most beautiful surprise when I pulled the card.

 Today the message was 16) Remember Who You Are. Uh, be still my heart. The card features a woman with a full moon behind her, casting a halo around her head. She holds a single starfish in her hand. The imagery of this card alone is so powerful. Being a Pisces anything from the ocean immediately speaks to me. It could have only been more perfect if it was a dolphin or a lionfish.  

an oracle card featuring a woman made of stars with the moon as her halo and a starfish in her hands

Today I have my traditional therapy appointment. I’m sure my counselor will ask how yesterday’s grief therapy went and I’ll be happy to share that it went well and I’m looking forward to finally start processing the grief I’ve carried since my mom passed on Summer Solstice.

I’ve been wanting my standing therapy to get back to normal so I can continue the shadow work, healing old traumas and building my new future. Today as I sat on the floor in front of my alter, shuffeling the cards I asked my family to show me what I needed to know most today and got athe most beautiful surprise when I pulled the card.

 Today the message was 16) Remember Who You Are. Uh, be still my heart. The card features a woman with a full moon behind her, casting a halo around her head. She holds a single starfish in her hand. The imagery of this card alone is so powerful. Being a Pisces anything from the ocean immediately speaks to me. It could have only been more perfect if it was a dolphin or a lionfish.  

The card reminds me of what I’m made of and sounds quite similar to my Facebook and Instagram profiles. Being made of light and love or in the case of the card, stardust, moonlight, sea shells and stories.

It also reminds me that even through each day will try to drag my attention down to the dark murky depths of the ocean, I will always remember whts really important and who I am deep in my heart. I choose my priorities according to whats most true and aligned with my higher self, my authenticity and the source. I’m asked to hold my heart like a beautiful star and let it’s light shine out to the world like a lighthouse that signals a safe habor. As I continue to prioritize my heart, I will have the strength to dismiss whatever insults my sould and I will rise. 

This is so fitting because as I get older I’ve lost the taste for bread and I’m tired of the circus. I crave what is real, what is true and what is abundant throughout the universe. I long to sit in a circle of others who desire a deeper relationship with the devine. One of my highest goals this year was to fully embrace my path and own my authenticity. I no longer wish to dampen myself or hide my true nature from the world. This card reminds me of who I am, where I’m going and what’s most important for me in this journey through this existance. 

Blessed be,