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Welcome to Silver Raven Designs

My name’s Christina and I am a practitioner of earth-based and ancestral spirituality and magic. In simpler terms, I am a pagan witch. I am also a life documentor, crafter, photographer, tarot/oracle reader, herbalist and videographer.

About Me: The Short Version

At the core of my spiritual and magical practices is devotion—devotion to nature, the land I live on, to the spirits I work with, to the gods I worship, to my ancestors, and to my highest self and my soul purpose.⁣⁣

Divination, crystal work, spirit communication, and herbalism are foundational aspects of my practice. Both my ⁣⁣personal practice and my art center around the themes of nature, animism, folk magic, polytheism, ancestor veneration, ritual practice, and self-healing through magic.

My path as a pagan witch is based in the traditions of my ancestral homelands, specifically those of Scandinavia, Italy, and the British Isles. These traditions are my anchor and my compass, rooting me and guiding me in my esoteric explorations.⁣⁣

My Spiritual Journey

I have been interested in spirituality and the mysteries of the universe for as long as I can remember. As a child I grew up Roman Catholic and the smell of incense, the chanting in Roman always and the mysterious stories always fascinated me as a child.

I was also captivated with all things mystical and magical; Angels, faries, mystical creatures, Merlin, you name it. When I wasn’t entranced with some magical movie I was barefoot outside, communining with wildlife and sitting with the plants.

I was first called to witchcraft when I was thirteen years old. Like many who are drawn to this path, my calling came in the wake of grief and hardship; just a few months prior, my mom had passed away suddenly. While I connected with the word “witch” deeply, it would be years before I would claim the title outwardly.

I dabbled in New Age spirituality throughout my teenage and college years—crystals, chakras, tarot, meditation.

But after graduating from college, I fell out of touch with my spiritual interests. Not only did I doubt everything I had felt and experienced, I put it out of my mind almost entirely.

What Do I Believe?

I believe that as humans, we can never have all the answers. I believe that there are just as many paths to spiritual growth and peace as there are people on this plant. I believe that there is no one path is right or wrong. When you look at the big picture most spiritual paths (and religions) want the same things: peace, love, understanding, compassion, support, fellowship, etc. As spiritual beings I believe our job is to never stop learning, to continue to grow, heal and evolve. 

I chose the name of my website many, many moons ago when I was a young graphic designer. I wanted something that was deeply spiritual and meaningful to me but wasn’t obviously pagan to most people. I chose it when I was still lurking in the closet, embarrassed of my beliefs. Now I can speak of it with an open heart.

Ravens are known to carry many spiritual and mystical qualities depending on the culture you ask. In many cultures they are thought of as sacred messengers who carry prophetic whispers from ancestors or the source. They represent ancient and intuitive wisdom, encouraging many to explore their minds and their souls. Ravens symbolize change and are believed to be shapeshifters in some cultures.

Many cultures have viewed silver with purity and protection for centuries. Others associate silver for spiritual, medicinal, and symbolic purposes. Ancient Egyptians believed silver had protective properties against evil spirits, and they used silver jewelry and amulets to ward off negative energies.  In most pagan communities the color silver is associated with the moon and Goddesses energy.