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Daily Card Pull 8/6/24

I’ve started doing a card pull many mornings. This mornings pull was so accurate the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

 Today is my first day of grief therapy to start working through the process of loosing my mother so suddenly. I sat on the floor in front of my alter in my bedroom. I looked up at the photos of my grandparents and my mom and grandma and though “I could really use some guidance today, what do I need to know?”. I’ve really been struggling with this loss and was hoping to receive a good message. About a minute into shuffling three cards litterally jumped out all at once. How fitting, one card for grandpa, one for grandma and one for mom. The three cards were 2)Remember Kindness, 7) Go Beyond Limits and 43) Tell Your Story. I’m using one of the new oracle decks I keep sitting on my alter for daily and quick readings.


three oracle cards laying on an alter with amethyst, rose quarts and a black raven feather

This reading was so powerful, as so many of my recent readings have been. The first  card was titled Remember Kindness, it had a picture of a woman facing an elephant. When I see elephants I always think of family, wisdom and memory. The card reinforces both memory and family. It asks me to remember my ancestors and hold their stories in my hands like raw beating treasures. I am alive because of their kindness. They carried me when I ouldn’t care for myself. It asks me to remember this kindness and pass it on as a living legacy. 

The second card, Go Beyond Limits, shows a woman and a sea turtle and reminds me that both live in two different worlds and cannot be pined down to just one. I’m reminded that I must transcend bounds in order to move out of survival mode and into a land of thriving. I will need imagination and to focus on possibility to expand my borders and create my own unique landscape. I must go beyond my own imiting beliefs to rise.

The final cards, Tell Your Story, features a woman holding a tarantual and has been coming up a lot for me over the last month since I purchased this new deck. I’ve always loved to write and feel more comfortable when I can write out what I want to say than just speaking off the cuff. This card simply asks me to tap into grandmother spiders energy to tell my story. This will free any blockags in my throat chakra and will also liberate me in the process and encourage others. Doing so reminds people they are not alone and encourages them to open their hearts. 

Wow, right?! What a powerful message to help guide and comfort me through my first day of greif therapy. How much more fitting could that read be?! It brings me a sense of peace knowing that my ancestors are watching and guiding me through this process. 

Blessed be,